
About CGN Test Center:

The CGN Test Center is an advanced online platform designed to cater to the unique testing needs of our students. Exciting news! CGN is planning to extend access to our comprehensive test center, making it available to community members and affiliates across the region.

Test Guidelines:

1. Punctuality Matters:

  • If you are more than 30 minutes late for an exam, unfortunately, you won't be able to take it. For CGN trainer exams, coordinate makeup exams directly with your trainer.

2. Exam Notification:

  • If you decide not to take the test, it's your responsibility to notify the test center promptly. Ensure timely communication to facilitate rescheduling.

3. Exam Time Changes:

  • If you face challenges taking the exam due to illness or scheduling conflicts, you need email approval from your teacher to change the exam time. The test center cannot exempt students from taking the examination.

4. Personal Items Policy:

  • No personal items such as backpacks, purses, cell phones, iWatches, etc., are allowed in the test room, except during designated breaks.

5. CGN Instructor Exams:

  • Register at least 10 minutes before your scheduled test time and report to the test coordinator. Ensure prompt start at the beginning of the test.

6. Academic Integrity:

  • CGN Test Center strictly prohibits fraud. Suspicious activities will be confiscated, and individuals suspected of fraud may be interrogated by CGN staff.

7. Testing Refund Policy:

  • CGN University has a no-refund policy on exam fees. Rescheduling is possible if you contact the exam coordinator at least 24 business hours before the scheduled exam.

Remote Monitoring Services:

  • CGN offers remote monitoring services to other companies/institutions. Students need to coordinate test presentations with their teachers. To make an appointment, call 413-345-2186.

At CGN Test Center, we are committed to maintaining a secure and fair testing environment. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Thank you for choosing CGN for your testing needs!